Monday, May 28, 2007


期待已久o既小BB終於誕生,今個weekend有幸可以visit兩位new mom,重有機會抱抱baby Eden,好緊張呀!又驚抱得佢唔舒服,又驚整親BB,但係原來小貓都有DD babysit o既天份,都ok o咼。Baby Eden重係小貓懷裡以及一片人聲之中開始覺覺豬o添,係小組之中成長o既BB果然非同凡響!! 見証新生命由媽媽肚入面,一路到可以自己覺覺豬同食奶奶,如今更真實地被小貓抱在懷裡,神的創造真奇妙!!

有冇記起,其實你同baby Eden一樣,都係領受神的深恩,由神親手創造...

詩篇 139:1-18 ~





Thursday, May 24, 2007

DowntownBees farewell CarolBee...

Nice restaurant, good pick Mui!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bye Bye Civic [Drew: sob...sob]

It's his first 100% owned car; he worked hard and paid every penny for it; he talked to it everyday when he was on the road to and from work; he made sure it's cleaned and tuned up all the time; he felt they were together as one when they cruise on the highway; he's proud to own his little blue SiR!!

Curious of why we're saying goodbye to Drew's beloved Civic?? Stay tuned!!







Monday, May 14, 2007


感謝天父,小貓同小蟲都依然有媽媽係身邊,可以一齊慶祝媽媽の日。雖然我地唔小心揀o左間好難食o既日本餐廳,但係都食得好開心,淨係一齊驚嘆每碟o野有幾難食就已經夠搞笑。不過唔緊要啦,一家人開開心心一齊食餐飯,dinner is not about the food, it's about the family!!! ^________^










Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Deliver us from the evil one...

Our church family had a very blessed day on Sunday, 15 years for any church is not easy, and we're so honored to be part of God's history. 15 years, lots of things happened, lot of people came and gone, lots of ministries bloomed and faded away, but our God is still the same, His grace is still the same, never changes!! We are like vapor, came and gone, but He still uses us and treasures our work!!

I didn't noticed I was stressed and tired until I hit the bed on Sunday night. After a hot shower, suddenly, every inch of my body started to ache, sooooooooo sore!!!!

And I have to say, it was a loooooooooong and tough day, God has delivered us from the evil one, many times in one single day!!

First, it was the night before when I struggled to have the slide show done. For some weird reason, some pictures just can't be inserted into the PowerPoint, and what made it worse was, it was 4am in the morning and I was soooooo frustrated and sleepy...ZzzzzZzzz...

Then, finally when everything was done on Sunday morning, we got printer problems. It took over 30 min. to print half the PowerPoint slides, and I was almost late for worship. Everyone was in a panic, it was 2 min. to 11:00am, and where is the PowerPoint??? OMG, we just made it!!! (Thanks to Anita who immediately helped to set up the projector!!)

Later, at the banquet, we found out the jack on the projector cable cannot fit into my laptop, and Future Shop was closing in 10 min.!!!!! (Thanks to Roy & Drew who rushed there and begged at the door to get in for us!!)

And worse of all, Alex was experiencing problems burning the video DVD for the banquet!!!! He started burning from 3pm, and it was still running and not done after 4 hours!!!! He was really "sum gup" and frustrated too!!!

What more can go wrong in one day???

By the end of the day, all we can say is praise the Lord. In the midst of our panic and troubles, what else can we do except to pray???

Probably most people didn't know all these troubles behind the scene, and they might think it's just another nice worship, another nice evening, nice banquet. But for us who were part of the crew, we have experienced huge blessings. It was a very true and vivid experience of God "delivered us from the evil one"!!! We couldn't have made it if it wasn't for His helping hands!!!

Thanks Father, all glory goes to You!!! ^________^



揀o左好耐,小貓終於叫o左豬骨小火鍋,而坐我旁邊o既姊妹就揀o左焗豬扒飯。所以話,有時真係好難去一兩次,就決定間餐廳好唔好食。嘩!兩份lunch一到,簡直係天與地的分別,佢o個份就熱辣辣,香噴噴,豬扒兩大塊﹔而我o個份就得幾舊豬骨,D湯又淡,似湯渣多D o羅!!!好慘!!!

最憎食到crappy food!!!俾o左$$$都算啦,但係最唔開心就係浪費o左我o既lunch quota,激氣!!!!! :o(

Friday, May 04, 2007










Thursday, May 03, 2007

你同我按摩,我同你按摩,friend o左!!!

因為都有好多好朋友關心蘇菲同KingKong o既情況,等小貓係到同大家update o下啦!

經過連日o黎o既相處之後,蘇菲同KingKong終於打破隔幕,學識彼此接納,成為o左好朋友!家姐重成日同細佬互相舔毛,沖涼,你同我按摩,我同你按摩,friend o左!

佢地每日o既活動重包括係菠蘿屋同Princess Tower上面o訓晏覺,一齊咬窗簾繩,一齊爬窗睇風景,一齊"wear"哂鞋架D鞋落地下,一齊爭dull dull裡面D餅餅o黎食,同埋最happy o既~~~互咬同打交!


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

反省-雜崩能閱讀報告JBL Reading Report:使命

雜崩能閱讀報告 JBL Reading Report: 使命





Tuesday, May 01, 2007


終於有時間坐低去睇呢個production, o甘o岩同我上一個post講o既o野係非常coherent. 如果你同我一樣, 一路都未有機會睇, 誠意推介你去睇. 但請勿用小貓聽過一D朋友o既心態, 就係"呀! 都幾戔鬼o咼!"o甘樣去睇, 尤其假若你都係一個基督徒o既話, 就請留心. 因為好可能, 我地會發現, 隻歌原來係講緊自己, o甘就唔謊唔"戔鬼"o羅!!

The Hard Work of Getting Along

“Let us agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other.” (Romans 14:19a MSG)

If you have children, you’ll know exactly what I mean: Some days you look into their faces, and you see the attitudes of angels; on other days you want to scream, “Why can’t you just get along!” as they get into a ridiculous argument about who moved a toy 1/32nd of an inch.

Sometimes these opposite attitudes shift back and forth six times in five minutes!

But let me ask you this: Do you think God ever looks at us – we adults, believers in community together – and sighs, “Why can’t my children just get along?’”

There are dozens of reasons we don’t get along with each other – with the sin of pride right at the top of the list. But I think another huge reason we fail to live in authentic, consistent, committed Christian community is because it’s too hard.

It requires real effort to work through our differences, to remain transparent and honest, to confront and to pay close attention to each other. Frankly, it’s easier to keep relationships superficial, to “demonize” one another when we don’t agree, to cut and run at the first sign of trouble rather than commit to each other.

Yet God placed within us a need for “stick-with-it” commitments; his commitment to us is unbreakable, and he wants to see us extend the same commitment to each other (2 Corinthians 8:5). But this kind of commitment takes time – something that has become far too scarce in our lives today (and that, my friend, is a choice).

God knows we will live in a healthy, Christian community if we will commit to living our lives together beyond our weekly meetings, if we will make each other a priority - sharing our lives over coffee, after work, at the ballpark, in the hospital.

The only way for us to become a “friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24) is when we focus on the quality of our relationships, not mere quantity or mere acquaintances.

“You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.” (James 3:18 MSG, Emphasis mine)

So what?

- Love no matter what

How can you plan to help others at all times, not just when it’s convenient? (Proverbs 17:17)

How can you develop a strategy for loving others at their worst, not just when they seem lovable? (Romans 5:8)

Show up!!

– The most basic behavior of commitment is simply showing up. “If you care, you’ll be there.” You may be surprised that your mere presence is a source of encouragement. (Hebrews 10:25)

Intentional commitments!!

– Other than your spouse, have you ever told someone else, “I will always be there for you”? This week, establish an intentional commitment with another believer. Approach the Spirit’s choice and bless that person by saying, “I want to grow close to you as a friend.”

© 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved.