Thursday, February 21, 2008


曲、詞:盧永亨 © Music 2000






Psalms 8:3-4 ~ "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?"

Mark 4:40 ~ "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"

Psalm 121:1-2 ~ "I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."

An Apology and Closure

Regardless if this is written by him or his lawyer, at least his attitude shows he is more sincere than「我承認以前係好天真同好傻,但係現在己經長大了」 Hope Edison's apology would bring an end to this madness lately, and hope him and the others involved will have a new beginning from now on. It would be wonderful if he can use his life and previous mistakes to share with and teach other young people. This whole "strange ordeal" is such a lose-lose situation, no one wins except Satan, sigh!!! Pray for all of them to be touched and used by God one way or another...

2 Corinthians 5:16-17 ~
So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

陳冠希:永遠退出娛樂圈 (明報)








Who are we to judge others?

I read the following on the news today, I think our world is so ridiculous and our perception is just so twisted!!!

A few years ago, I still remember people were over reacting and phoning the Boardcasting Review Agency to complain when Joyce Cheng was performing as "Snow White", and all of a sudden, people's view changed 180 degrees??

Not that I have any bias towards Joyce. Personally I admire her discipline and perseverance to loose so much weight in the past few years. I know it's not easy and it takes a lot of effort (at least I can't do it!!) I never feel there was anything wrong with her and her performance. She was just an ordinary girl, brought up in a single mom family, in Vancouver. Nothing wrong, and nothing out of the ordinary (except she has a mom who is a celebrity).

So who are we to judge if she is "成功洗底" or not???? These articles are just twisting our values, who are we to say she was not good enough before, and all of a sudden is good enough now?

These are articles on the news, and it totally shows how shallow the writers are. It shows how they use their pens to blow up and emotionalize simple things in people lives.

If this is all our next generation's gonna read and learn, what would our future be like? Shallow and judgmental??? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

If I can voice out my two cents, all I want to say is, people, just be yourself and live your dreams. We are not worthy only when people say we are, we are worthy because we were created by the almighty God and bought by a high price on the cross.

堅強面對喪母痛贏民心 欣宜獲網友力撐入樂壇


Friday, February 15, 2008



(明報) 02月 15日 星期五 05:05AM

【明報專訊】香港最值得一提的spin doctor,當然不是劉細良,又或者何安達,而是英皇娛樂王牌經理人──Mani霍汶希

朋友劉細良在未加入政府之前,曾經與筆者在《明報》一起撰寫這個專欄,其中一篇令我印象最深刻的,就是談到:在香港,spin的文化,最成行成市的,並不是本地政壇,反而是娛樂圈;最值得參考的spin doctor心得,不是什麼心戰室實錄,而是英皇娛樂王牌經理人Mani霍汶希的手記。

「每天具體執行spin功能的人士,最專業的是一幫娛星經理人,當藝人醉酒打人或被狗仔隊伏擊,甚或拍得與北方佳麗上房過夜照片時,他們便要與『乜周物周』的娛樂總編『拆』,提出交換條件,希望影響編輯手下留情,平時飲茶灌水免費晚餐演唱會『飛』少不了,所以大家周不時見到一些明星無端端上封面,而且係正面報道,就知道是幕後spin doctor發功了。」




不是嗎﹖事件的對錯,以「我承認以前係好天真同好傻,但係現在己經長大了」短短兩句說話,輕描淡寫的帶過,相片的真偽,完全不再提及,要迴避的,當然是其公司英皇集團當初「移花接木」的指控,及可能的法律責任,而「天真」和「傻」兩個形容詞,更與Twins 一貫苦心經營純情、可愛形象,配合得天衣無縫。


阿嬌發言前,歌迷送上一個寫上:「一定繼續撐孖女,We Support Twins Forever」的蛋糕;發言時,又有秩序地排在後方高舉「一定永遠支持Twins」的燈牌;發言後,又大叫「支持你」、「支持你」……的口號。這簡直是一個經過精心策劃的電視畫面。有報章暗示,歌迷由公司一手包辦。














Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Do you agree on this writer's view?



Right or Wrong????

Media and people are crazy...they call this action of Gillian "courage"?????

She sounded so "easy" and didn't take her act seriously..."tin jaan and shor"?????????? So that's called apology ga la??? OMG!!!

Comparing to Edison's video...people say he is "coward" and "weak"...but at least he looks a lot more serious and stressed...

I don't understand why people all support the girls and is attacking Edison...not that I like him nor I think what he did was right...and frankly I've seen some of those pics...unless the girls were drugged...otherwise I think they all know what they were doing...just that they never expect it will be publicize...why is the girl "more cham" and the guy "dai say" ne????? Everyone's nude picture got posted...why only the girl is "cham" ne??? What kind of standard is that? A guy being nude is "okay"...and gal being nude is "seed dai"???? They were not forced and raped...don't they all enjoy what they were doing???

All of them did the same level of sin/wrong, and all of the are all very "cham" cuz they don't know what they're doing is right or wrong and they all got nude pics all over the world.

And people online are treating Edison like criminal...actually I agree he is addicted to sex act...but just like any other addiction and he is not the one posting all these pics online...just like Jesus always says...we all did things in the dark that we can't let the world see...lots of secret sins...who are we to judge that Edison is right or wrong...and who are we to say that we "forgive" Gillian???? People on one side enjoy these nude pics at home...watching them...talking about them...and on the other side condemning the photo taker????? What a wicked world??????????!!!!!!!!!