学習者が楽しみながら日本語を習得できるよう指導することが、NJK via VSB の最大の特色です。劇を演じさせたり、絵を使ったりして、言葉とイメージを一体として吸収させ、生きた日本語を習得させます。イメージを言葉に、言葉に心(感情)を入れる練習を最初のレッスンから始めます。「クラスが楽しい。来るのが楽しみ。」と思わせ、学習者の興味と学習意欲を高めます。また、クラスをコミュニケーションの場とする為に、オリジナル教科書“Ganbatte!"を制作しています。これが日本語学習者の努力を最大限に生かす教材として用いられ、また実用的日本語能力の場にお役に立つことは、間違いありません。
NJK via VSB では92年の設立から、日本語を身につけたい学習者の要望に応えようと邁進してきました。全くの初心者でも、NJK via VSB で学習すれば60時間(週一回6カ月)で実際に使える基礎会話能力がマスターできるよう効率的な指導法の開発をし続けています。
Hahahaaa...why is this suddenly in Japanese ne???
It's because 小蟲與小貓 have started "kyoushitsu no nihongo" (Japanese classes) this week. We've always wanted to pursue an interest together, so that we can PT while learning new things, and also see who's smarter (hahaaaa...)
We are taking this Level 1 course thru VSB, for all of you who has never taken any Vancouver School Board Continue Education courses, we highly recommend you to try. There are lots and lots of courses of every interests (make up, photography, language, floristry, cooking, baking, musical instruments, yoga, etc. etc.) All courses are 100% tax deductible (ya...us accountants...) and at very reasonable prices (in our case...$99 per person for 8 weeks' lessons)...
The classes are being held at the Killarney Highschool...it's really funny cuz it feels like 小蟲與小貓 are back in our highschool time...sitting in those very similar classrooms...but of course...for some reason the desks feel a lot smaller and tighter now...oops...
Just after the 1st lesson last night...we are already able to introduce ourselves by name and by nationality...also learning to say something is mine or yours...and quite a few vocabs too!!
So ya...hopefully both 小蟲與小貓 can enjoy learning Japanese...at least...next year when we really go to Hokkaido...we'll be less "lair hair" and be able to read the signs and menus and ask questions...