Go Canucks Go!!!!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Sweet Dreams...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mission 係邊到?

Saturday, April 14, 2007
一家大細...All You Can 烚!!
雖然呢隻灰色o既小B仔十分之嗲...四隻腳又係白色...D紋又好靚...但係佢大個o左會係長毛...小蟲驚會鼻敏感...而且我地都係想要橙色紋o既小貓多D...所以唯有put on waiting list...假若有橙色紋小貓o既主人back out...o甘先至輪到我地囉!!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Professional Development Event for 小蟲
The Convertible Theory...

I've always wanted a convertible...thank God we had one for our wedding...although it was only 3 days that we had that car...it brought us so much fun!!!!
Finally...the new 3 series covertible is out...very nice car ne...
For the past year...we've been talking about trading in 小蟲's car...it's 8 years old lar...he wanted a GTI...but I want a convertible...for about the same price...we have the option of:
A brand new GTI...or a 2002 Porsche Boxter...or a 2004 BMW 330i Convertible...
After long thoughts and discussions...we decided to stay put for now...not going to get anything at all...we want to wait until my BMW's loan is paid off before we get a new car...which would be another 1 year and 5 months...
But then...we're thinking...after a few years...we may decide to have babies...then we can't have a convertible...it might be better for us to get a 4x4 again...
We share this with our small group during dinner on Sat...and we came to a very meaningful conclusion...no wonder most people driving convertibles are retired "Gong Gong and Por Por"...they totally derserve it!!!!
Are we ready to give up all our wants and preferences for our children?? Are we ready to be parents?? Mmmm...still got lots to learn...
今年輪到小貓的三十大壽...因為tax season的原故...本來plan o左放一日假都要cancel... >.<
沒有隆重其事地慶祝...但都有同the gangs出去食飯...
估唔到小蟲竟能打破十幾年以來的咒語...俾到小貓一個大surprise (btw...thanks Dee...very nice bouquet!!!)...同埋一份唔駛refund o既禮物...
o甘耐以o黎...小蟲送過無數o甘多大大小小o既禮物俾小貓...但多數都係叫小貓自己去揀...因為小貓好鬼麻煩...又Yim Jim...次次都唔o岩心水要拎去refund...
而唯一o既兩份小蟲自己揀而小貓又冇refund o既禮物...就係定婚介指...同呢次o既Gloomy Bear!!!
至於surprise...又係因為小貓好鬼麻煩...次次都不停問問問問問問...搞到D surprise穿哂煲!!!
To Wii or Not to Wii???

King Kong
Sophie is getting really lonely at home...hence...quite naughty sometimes (=#.#=)
I'm sure many of you have heard about the "Soya Sauce a.k.a. Lo Sui Jup" story...and she has been scratching the carpet...jumping on top of counters...behind the TV...inside the closet...biting our fingers...etc.
For the whole winter...no kittens were available...finally it's spring again...
We are trying to look for a boy this time...a little bro for Sophie...and we'll name him "King Kong"!!! ^.^
But it's not easy...cuz I am allergic to long hair cats...so hopefully we'll be able to find "him" soon...or actually...if we happen to meet a "her" that would like to join the "wormy's"...we'll be just as happy...
So...if you happen to see/know/run into a short hair white and orange tabby kitten anywhere...at SPCA...at craiglist...at pet store...at any adoption services...let us know...
Amazing Love and Amazing Grace
You are My King
I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken;
I'm accepted, You were condemned.
I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me,
because you died and rose again.
Amazing love, how can it be,
that You my King would die for me?
Amazing love, I know it's true,
and it's my joy to honor You.
In all I do, I honor You.
You are my King, You are my King.
Jesus, You are my King; Jesus, You are my King!
Words and Music by Billy James Foote
©1997 worshiptogether.com songs
Then on Sunday...when we claim our Lord's risen power...
Grace Flows Down
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.
Amazing love, now flowing down;
from hands and feet that were nailed to the tree,
as grace flows down and covers me.
It covers me, it covers me,
it covers me, and covers me.
David E. Bell, Louie Giglio, Rod Padgett
Copyright 2000 worshiptogether.com songs
Mr. and Mrs. の那不知道的路
食o野真係一個超級casual又effective o既ice-breaking event...
雖然都會好驚...maybe會唔慣...maybe會好miss以前各自的小組...但係自己過往3次轉小組...神都保守...每次都好快build up到新o既關係同埋好close o既bonding...雖然人大o左...可會需要多D時間...但係努力禱告...一定會OK o既!!!
18 years ago...
I still remember the smell of that crowded little airport (before the renovation)...the first glance of the huge blue sky...green grass...like a framed picture...
I still remember the fear of a 12 old girl...knowing there is no turning back...this is it...
I still remember our first home...with the amazing waterfront view of the Fraser river...
I still remember going to school the first day...it was a Grade 6 class @ Douglas Elementary...
I still remember they were talking about the hockey games in class...what on earth is "hockey"???? I've never heard of it before back then...
18 years...a lot has happened...from a Honger slowly became a HBC...and I've learnt to appreciate this place now I call home...
Things have been very gloomy ever since we came back from Hong Kong...or actually...was it since Christmas time when we heard bros and sis had decided to leave church???
It was too long a story to tell...and the bottom line is...it's not about staying and/or leaving...like a dear pastor said..."Stay for a purpose...leave for a purpose"...I guess it's the emotions and feelings of all of us that we need to sort out before our Lord...
Smiling faces were gone...long faces and complains were everywhere around us...seems like the world is falling apart!!!
We've had enough...thick black clouds above our heads are suffocating our lives and our passion of serving...so I was praying for God to cheer us up please!!!
Finally...big thanks to our Lord for today's super big rainbow...it was a full 1/2 circle...all the way from Burnaby to Delta...right across the Fraser River...bright and huge!!!!!!!!
God's timing is so amazing...that's exactly what we need to see now...for our Lord to show us visually the mighty work of His hands...I'll remember...right across from the side with rain pouring down...there is always a huge rainbow...
And suddenly this song pops up...the last part is such huge encouragement...a reminder of why we're doing what we're doing everyday...hope it'll be your encouragement today as well...
詩集:團契遊樂園 5.1
How I hate "To Do List"...
Plus...I still want to spend time with 小蟲 & 蘇菲...and sometimes cook dinner/lunch...and exercise...
Oh my Lord...I need a few more hands and brains please!!!
Short Term ToDoList:
Sun: Deacon Meeting/Dinner with Mom & Dad
Tue: Colyvan files/Team Stat./Ranger Supply/BCS 907 (2005 and 2006)/Prep. Wynford 2x files
Wed: Prep Worship Flow/Executive Inn
Thu: Waterford/Camberley
Fri: Finalized Worship Flow/Drive Dad to airport/Mayflower/Haircut/GMAT course
Sat: GMAT course/Wynford 2x files/Call Back Xseed Girls
Sun: GMAT course/Spyglass Hill/LMS 500 (Van Condo)
Mon: Colyvan 2x files/Ranger Supply/Dinner with Winnie
Tue: Study GMAT exam
Wed: GMAT exam @9am
Thu: Rancho 3x files
Fri: Rancho 3x files/Misc old files
Long Term ToDoList:
Caring Shop Books and Records/Clean up 2nd Bedroom/Clean Up Closet/Organize CD and DVD/Organize and Print Wedding Pics for Friends & Family
Short Term Mission

My hub...

Graphite Elastomer Flex
H.M. Graphite Fullerene Shaft
WEIGHT / GRIP SIZE: 3U(85.0-89.9g) / G3, 4, 5