Saturday, April 21, 2007


1. King Kong: 咦, 家姐呀, 有balcony o咼! 一齊睇o下風景啦!
1. Sophie: 搞咩呀你??

2. King Kong: 咦, 家姐呀, 有玩具o咼! 等我咬o下先!

3. King Kong: 哈哈, 好玩呀!

4. Sophie: 喂!! 個玩具係AdaYeeYee買俾我o架!!! 寫住"Princess"o架, 你係"Princess"咩????

5. King Kong: 玩o下之嘛! 家姐o甘惡o架!!
5. Sophie: 玩o下???!!!! D玩具係我o架!!! 你做乜o黎玩我D玩具, 又食我D餅餅, 又同我爭o野???
5. King Kong: [呆o左!! Sob-sob-sob] Sorry o羅!!!

6. King Kong 好慘o甘走開...
6. Sophie 繼續監視 King Kong...

7. Sophie: 頭先係咪真係惡o左D呢???


JC said...

King Kong? What kind of name is King Kong?? :P

Cannis, you really shouldn't let Drew name this poor kitty heh.

DonGar said...

King Kong is really adorable... I bet he is playing nice now and may soon reveal his TRUE personality...haha. I hope Sophie will take it easy. Lost half of her territory...haha.

小蟲與貓 said...

When we phoned and tried to book an appointment for King Kong's check up, we told the nurse at the vet, his name is "King Kong Wan". The nurse went silent for 3 sec. on the phone, then she bursted into hysteric laughters...

Well, at least it matches "Godzilla"!!!!!

小蟲與貓 said...

And BTW...he already broken Sophie's record...cuz he made me yelled at him on the 2nd day of coming home!!! All day, he was jumping everywhere and biting everything, also meowing non-stop!!! OMG!!!!