Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Sanafir on Granville...Silk Road fusion food in bed...


KaKa said...

Huh?? What a coincident...we went there last week too~~ hahaha

小蟲與貓 said...

Really??? Did you like it there?

Hey...seems like you and KK know lots of good place with yummy food ne...share your findings and ideas next time gal!!!! =)

KaKa said...

Yes, we like their food and the place, except 1...one of the beef dish, oxtil cappelletti with white truffle cream, made us really sick...the strong parmesan cheese creamy sauce...smells like garbage or ... you know you know... hahaha~

We don't really know a lot of place with yummy food wor...but if we want eat out, we tend to do some research before we go~